STAR ELEMENT builds the exclusive partnership with Gamification Academy for the gamification education program in the Republic of Korea.

STAR ELEMENT is a literary agent for the Korean versions of the publication - 'Infinite Gamification'.

STAR ELEMENT cooperates the exchange of gamification articles with Ludogogy and Gamification Journal.

STAR ELEMENT is a literary agent for the Korean versions of BrandNewGame's publications, and an official partner of BrandNewGame's serious games & gamification products for Korean market.


STAR ELEMENT builds the exclusive partnership with Owiwi for reselling the product in the Republic of Korea.

STAR ELEMENT builds the exclusive partnership with for promoting the product in the Republic of Korea.

STAR ELEMENT builds the strategic partnership with RPG Republic, Inc. to promote the 'Gersang-M' mobile game globally and provide business consulting.

STAR ELEMENT is an exclusive licensee for The Net Zero boardgame to play and educate about zero carbon emission and sustainability development of various business in the Republic of Korea.